EVENT: N3 Collective


I was delighted to be invited to the private sale of the N3 Collective’s best sellers.

The mini store was set up in a beautiful apartment in the city. A handful of Perths bloggers and fashionistas were invited along. We were greeted at the door by Camilla and shown inside.
N3 Collective is an online shop with a base in Bali so we were extremely privileged to view the collection.
There were two rails of clothing along the windows and a table set with yummy treats and glasses for pink bubbles!


The clothing was fantastic from the style to the quality and I was particularly drawn to a few pieces.
As well as clothing, there were shoes..check out these marbled heels! They are the the perfect middle ground between flats and heels.


One rail was dominated by monochrome…


And here are a few of my favourite pieces from the collection…
The leather jacket was amazing! It had a beautiful lining and buyers have the options to add their initials to the cuffs. You also have the choice of colour for your jacket, I loved it.



My favourite piece was the one I bought. This beautiful cape was an unnecessary addition to my wardrobe but I really wanted it! The leather lining adds elegance and the quality of material is fantastic. Capes seem to feature in quite a few high end fashion articles right now so this is a great wardrobe addition.


You can check out more of the N3 Collective here.


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